Friday, July 30, 2010

Just how many rendering processors can you afford?

This may be the best idea that has come down the pike in some time. It's called Unlike its commercial sibling, is free to use, sortta.

Here is the idea. All of us could use a large render farm from time to time, but not everyday. The Boxx render farm units start at $2000 US each. That could be a lot of money sitting on your desk most of the week waiting for you to finish your latest masterpiece. And there are other times when one or more computers in your office are sitting idle. Why not combine the two? Don't buy a render farm that you might not be ready to fully utilize, let your computer idle time earn you render hours on the Corefarm.

What is Corefarm? The web site describes it as;
"Corefarm is a place where you can either submit your Yafaray rendering job or participate to other users' rendering tasks. Corefarm splits your job in several small pieces and distributes them across the internet, leading to impressive rendering times."
Windows users; use Firefox to log into (after you register) and walk away. You are given a localhost login page. Open that page and your system is part of the Corefarm. As other users submit XML projects prepared by Yafaray, buckets of render information are processed by one or more of your processor cores. Every job processed earns you points toward free rendering time on the farm. Up to 10 projects can be processed at any one time and to stop participating, you just logout.

There are similar processes for other operating systems as well, but as I don't use them, they are just plain over my head.

But you should spend a few minutes and check it out. If you have a server system that already farms out processor time, or if you have multiple computers, they can all share the same login earning your account points. The more systems logged in the more powerful the Corefarm is. Contact William Le Ferrand or see the information on the website..

Corefarm is only rendering Yafaray at this time. is a pay for use site that renders in both Yafaray and LuxRender.

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