Monday, June 12, 2017

I Used To Blog Here

When you start a blog like this, or at least when I started this blog, I was filled with ideas. This was going to be the best blog ever. Anyone who read it would be awestruck by my wordsmithing, tickled by my turn of phrase, and laughing out loud at my humor and dry wit.

Not exactly what happened.

It started at the old Yahoo blog site, even before it became 360 and was finally destroyed by changes and censorship with an overactive moderating system. A fine community of writers and artist grew there. Poets, artists, photographers, bloggers, and people like me, still trying to find my voice.

All of a sudden everything had to be written so as not to unduly harm the sensitive mind of a child who just might get access. My part of the site was supposed to be 18 and over. The answer that came was that some kid had logged in on his parent's account and saw “dirty pictures”.

There were no “dirty pictures” there as art. Great art. Contemporary, new, even cutting edge, but it was art. As a test I posted something classical such as the La Fornarina by Raphael pictured above. When it was removed by the moderator, I was done.

And I came here. But there was a problem with here. The missing community. It might have been me. I might have been too lazy to start all over again. But I did a few posts and went about commenting on other blogs to introduce myself, but unlike the community, at Yahoo (360 by then) there were little to no views and nearly no comments. No interest.

It was about that time I found animation. What I mean is I began creating animations and posting them on Youtube. I tried posting them here as well, as links to my Youtube pages. That went on for a while.

Life happens and I dropped away from Youtube and about everywhere else in late 2012.

So now after a few false starts, perhaps this one will do it. I turn 63 in a few days and it's time for me to slow down and think about what I want to be when I grow up.

So s my 36th blog here (my age backward, huh.) I'm posting this with no promises, not even to myself. I have oodles to say, but most are history, and I'm done (I hope) commiserating over the past. I have an idea of what may be next, but it's still too early to say.

So I'll just leave it at, “Hello”.

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