Today I went to the Sprint store and finally turned in my Motorola Razor. The Razor had stopped taking my calls and everyone had to text me to call them back. I had originally intended to get either a HTC Hero or a Samsung Instinct HD. After an hour or so of fiddling with both devices I suddenly turned and tried a Samsung Moment. And I bought it. Now normally one would expect that this blog might actually be written about my wonderful new Samsung Moment phone. And it might have been, but it’s not.
Also this weekend, I received another new electronic device. It’s a Toshiba H30 video camera. The camera we had before was a mini 8 video camera which used small video tape cartridges. It was murderous to use and because it was analog and not digital, by the time I did a transfer to my computer, the picture was already getting a bit soft. So on to and there I found it. I nice little video camera and with a 4 gig SDHC chip and shipping was less that $190.00 US. Its very cute and seems to work great at 720P or 1080P resolutions. Now again, the average person might think that this blog might be written to sing the praises of my new little digital video camera. And it might have been, but its not.
New electronic equipment comes with new batteries. Not fully charged batteries. So first thing, they need a charge. Also when you get new electronic devices you normally still have the old electronic devices that the new electronic devices are replacing. And that does not count the electronic devices that you already have and are not replacing, but have seen fit to continue to use and there by continued to charge their batteries.
Because new and old electronic devices alike are not much more than paper weights if you let the batteries run down. Now anyone might suspect that with all this charging going on in the middle of the night, this blog might be about a shift in power consumption from day time when all of these electronic devices are being used, to night time when all these electronic devices are being charged. And that would have been a good blog too, but its not this blog.
This blog could have been about what we do to try and find an empty wall socket in order to plug in all the chargers for all the electronic devices, but it’s not.

This blog is not really about electronic devices at all. It’s about the cords. The charger cords. The USB cords, The Firewire cords, the old cords, the new cords, the black cords, the white cords, the blue cords, the grey cords, camera cords, phone cords, ipod cords, webcam cords, the mouse cords, the printer cords, the scanner cords, cords, cords, cords, cords! And with each new electronic device there are more cords.
All standardized cords that are anything but standardized.
I can’t tell them apart and that is what this blog is about.
Be Well.
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